Looking at buying a used Porsche? A used Porsche can be a fantastic purchase and give you years of pleasure but if you buy a complete turkey it can lead to problem after problem. Buying a used car rather than a new one can save you a serious amount of money and if you are careful and know what to look for, the difference in new and used can be nominal. Here are a few handy tips if you are considering splashing out on a used Porsche.
Don't get hung up on used Porsche original bodywork. A lot of people will consider a vehicle having all original bodywork to be a highlight however the older the car gets the more likely it is to have required new parts either due to simple wear and tear or minor scrapes. As long as the work has been carried out to high standards then there should be no problem in this area, it doesn't mean that the car hasn't been well looked after and cared for. If however it has had major surgery then it may have been involved in a serious collision and this can cause underlying problems to axles and other major areas so it may be best to avoid.
Don't be dissuaded by colours that are not popular today. If you are buying a 20 year old used Porsche then its colour may have been the height of fashion in 1980 but may not be popular today. If you are open minded about colour then you are more likely to find a good car as it widens your options. At the end of the day, it's a Porsche, if it's in good condition – it's going to look great!

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