Pretty much all Tesla Model S reviews we’ve seen so far have been raving on about how good it is to drive, the big 17-inch screen and the pretty styling. They all talk about how it’s one of, if not the, first EV that also really works as a car. That’s still the case with this latest one we found, uploaded by EverydayDriver, though the stance it takes beyond that is different.
The reviewers (there are two of them) first begin to comment on the Model S’ interior, which they say is “all about the big screen,” and because it’s meant to draw your attention to it, the fledgling manufacturer has put less emphasis on material quality – its overall finish does not reflect is high price tag, according to the video.
As for handling, the reviewer says yes, the car is competent, but no it’s not an agile little sports car dressed up as a big family car. We are lead to understand that the Model S needs a bit of time to settle into a corner, after the driver has sent his or her input through the steering wheel. It grips and steers brilliantly (no surprises here), but we are warned that it definitely shows its weight, and it’s not necessarily the most engaging of drives – a Porsche Panamera or Aston Martin Rapide would serve you better in that area.
However, since this review is a different take on the Model S, the conclusion reached at the end is also an unusual one, but it’s an understandable choice given the presented arguments. Now, check it out after the jump.
By Andrei Nedelea
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