If you ask me, Matt Stone and Trey Parker’s South Park animated series has aged like fine wine. Sure, the first two seasons were a mere test bed for characters, settings and humor types, but that’s some 15 years in the past, and now the show has created its own unique bubble where freedom of speech and expression are pushed to the very edge, and whatever situation (or bad movie) is plaguing the American public will be violently satirized and ridiculed to raise awareness.
Naturally, laughing at clearly directed pokey humor is a big part of why South Park is still so popular, and so far, in the newly-started season, number seventeen, it’s been business as usual.
The two creators don’t seem to miss any of the important developments that take place while the show is off-air, and thus we were not shocked to see Tesla’s electric Model S featured, and, of course, made fun of specifically because it's not powered by gasoline...
There’s nothing in particular that they link to, though, and the only use of derogatory terms is calling the car’s throttle the ‘pussy pedal’ – its logo has been altered, though, and now it looks like some kind of mushroom. They would have definitely played more with the Model S, had the recent fire happened before the episode was put together, but it doesn’t mean they won’t be picking it up again.
Check out the video excerpt posted below, or go watch the complete (third) episode which is freely available on the official site, M'kay?
By Andrei Nedelea
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